Monday, March 7, 2011

How I Came to Murder my Camera....

I'm about to do something I've never done on this blog before. I'm going to write a blog post without a single picture to go with it. Not a single one. Instead I'm going to tell you a story. And you're going to sit there and read it and you're gonna LIKE IT. (No, just kidding, feel free to go peruse a photography blog that has actual photography).

Once upon a time..........
 ...there was a girl. A whimsical girl who was having a lovely Saturday night filled with obscure jokes and general Saturday night shenanigans. It was at the conclusion of this evening, however, that this girl would encounter tragedy. Our whimsical girl tried to carry entirely too many things at once while in a parking lot outside of her dorm, and her camera bag, which was being held onto with only the last pinky the girl had left to offer wrapped around the handle of the bag, ultimately lost its battle with gravity. There was a gasp as the bag slipped off the finger of the girl and began to fall towards the asphalt, and then a deceptively innocuous thud.  The girl who, to be quite frank, had dropped the bag several times previously but had never experienced adverse consequences, made the optimistic assumption that the sacred contents of the camera bag had escaped from its fall unharmed yet again.


It did not take long to discover that her camera AND the lens were cracked. Cracked and dead and useless and unable to produce photographic pixel magic any longer. This is when the girl went into what is often referred to as "denial". She tried everything she could think of, every setting, every lens she owned, nothing would revive her cherished camera. She rocked her camera, fondled it, sang to it, cleaned it of every speck of dust on its body, and briefly entertained the notion of applying super glue or tape to it before the bad-idea-ness of that convinced her otherwise.


The camera was gone. Nothing would bring it back. Nothing. The girl experienced a moment of true terror. What is the meaning of life without a camera? Who am I? What am I? WHAT IS TO BECOME OF ME?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

And then reality came back into the picture and the girl began shopping for a new camera.  A BETTER CAMERA! She found the Nikon D7000. She fell in love quickly and absolutely. There was no turning back. The 16-85mm Nikkor f/3.5-5.6G lens would go beautifully with it and the girl decided she needed that too.

All was right in the world again. More than right. The girl sang and whistled and danced. She danced a lot. Probably too much. Random passerby gave her curious looks, obviously she kept dancing anyways. 

And that is how I came to get a new camera. I should have it within the week (just in time for spring break!) so that the photographic magic can continue.

The end!!!! :)

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