Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break! WHATWHAT!

Well, I have had a delightful spring break :) I went to Savannah Georgia, Williamsburg Virginia and then back to Knoxville (that's a triangle if you look at it on a map - FYI). Naturally I've been playing with my new camera and lens all along the way which means I'm about to post a crap ton of pictures. Wee!

James! You are the cutest thing ever. Just sayin.

 Downtown Knoxville is also pretty cute.

Savannah, Georgia

Cha Bella's in Savannah without a doubt has the most taste bud entrancing goat cheese cheesecake I have ever tasted. Goodness.

Williamsburg, Virginia

Aunt Debra has a pretty AWESOME view of the James River from her house

Hey there Skipper :)

Tree in Colonial Williamsburg 
(Additionally, is anyone else noticing a tree trend in my photography??!?!)

Cole and I should obviously never hang out since we either get lost in sketchy alleys or make perplexingly failtastic cupcakes whenever in the vicinity of the other.

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