Friday, January 7, 2011

2010: Slightly Belated Retrospective

As I'm sure you've all observed, regardless of the cool places you go, your accomplishments, or the shiny cool things you buy, the success of not just any year - but any EXISTENCE is determined by the people with whom you shared your time with. I've been blessed to have spent 2010 in the company of truly excellent family and friends. Which is why my New Years resolution this year is to make sure I spend more time in 2011 photographing the people I care about rather than, say, UT athletes and flowers :-)

Here are a handful of moments in 2010 that I actually remembered to photograph...

This is my Hendog!
Haha, oh Grace :)
Christmas Day with the fam


Photo taken at the Smiths lake house, where the majority of my most excellently dangerous and giggletastic summer memories derive from. (Spaghetti rock, squash, chiggers, 4th of July suicidal tube ride, that time Amy fell down the waterfall, that time Chris lost his shorts in the water, Dead Fred, more chiggers). It's a travesty that this is one of the only pictures I have of this magical land this year since it's really quite a dull photo... *sigh*
I spent a good bit of time with this girl this year.... can't seem to shake her off... (forgive the self-portraiture)

Justin and Blue sleeping on the couch. (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww)

James and I waiting for John to arrive with a few games of Jenga

GoodNESS that was a long drive to San Antonio

Bus on the way to the Harry Potter premiere :-)

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