Saturday, September 18, 2010

UT vs Florida

One of the more intensely awesome perks of being a photographer for my school is that I get to photograph the football games! I got a press pass and got to go through gated security... more gated security... more gated security... and just a few more layers of gated security before I finally got to the media room where I hung out until the game started. Being on the field, surrounded by over 100,000 people is definitely quite the experience and I had a lot of fun.

Ahmad Black

Tia (one of my editors) taking a picture with Rocky

I saw Katie and Mary Taylor! (on the right) with some of their friends.

Cody Pope

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented and I really appreciate your work. You are going to be a very famous photographer one day soon!!! Enjoy your talent and where you'll go with it!
