Saturday, July 31, 2010


It would seem that the Hills have a new toy: a '57 Jeep. It lacks seat belts, air bags, air conditioning, doors, turn signals, and a top. Not to mention the front seats are actually old fishing boat seats (haha), but it is oh so much fun to cruise around in.
(Yes the speedometer says we're going 0 MPH, but that simply isn't the truth, that's just another thing that sort of... doesn't work)

Monday, July 26, 2010

University of Tennessee

I'm transferring to University of Tennessee! Woo! This weekend I was able to go up to Knoxville and sign up for classes and get a glimpse of the campus. I'm looking forward to the fall (which is in less than three weeks!). Anyways, I took a couple of photos while I was in K-ville:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Tribute to Random

Hello my dears! My life has been on the hectic end of things lately, with a plethora of unexpected twists and turns which always ensure my days are going to be, errr, interesting. As a result I have not been taking any photos at all lately. However, I thought I would take advantage of this photography hiatus to post some old-ish (taken in the last couple of years) photos on here.

Right after I took this photo he wiped out and broke his wrist. Haha, sorry Pete.

This guy was awesome.


There is all kinds of insanity going on in this picture.

Estes Park, CO