Friday, December 31, 2010

OBS benefit: Retrospect & Animal Sounds

If I've ever had a best friend then it is this girl right here! I had the good sense to spot Amy as excellent friend material at the age of six and we've been keeping it real ever since (that's 14 years, folks, HAAAAAY).

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Break

Hey there! I've been enjoying an exceptionally entertaining Christmas break. Here's a few photos from the last week!

Glo on Christmas Eve

Aubra cutting a cake for Rebekahs wedding shower

Justin & Emily at Young Avenue Deli

I know you're all looking forward to ringing in the new year! I feel that 2011 is going to be my best year so far - even though it's a significantly less catchy number than 2010 )-:

My Grandfather has challenged to do a "365" project with him - where I'll have one photo to commemorate every day of the year and post the photos on facebook or here. I still haven't committed to doing it, but I should decide in the next few days here... Meanwhile - happy trails!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gloria Graduates

Hello loves :-) It has been a few weeks since I've really taken any photos as I was fairly busy with finals, and since I've been home I've been REALLY busy with reading, sleeping, movie marathoning and hanging with fam and friends. Last week I was in Fayetteville, Arkansas to see my older sister, Gloria, graduate from the University of Arkansas nursing school! She worked diligently to get through the program and we're all quite proud of her.

Mom and Glo
We walked through the square, which usually has something interesting going on, on the way to have dinner with other nursing school graduates and their families. It was all lit up and gorgeous and I had a jolly good time wandering around.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Another Thanksgiving has come and gone! It has been a great holiday, with the majority of my break spent with family in Little Rock, Arkansas. We have a precious new addition to the family, Landon (I refer to him as my 'baby cousin', but that seems to confuse everyone, as he's really my second cousin), whom you'll be seeing a lot of. It has been great to have a break from finals - but I'll be making the long haul back to Knoxville in the next few days to wrap up the semester. Meanwhile... photos! Here we go...

Glo and Landon
Being a baby model is exhausting!
There was a baby... there was a Santa suit.. and there was great natural lighting all in relative proximity to me. These Santa photos are the inevitable result of that

Landon and his Dad
Glo and Casey perusing family albums
Gloria and I realized that we hadn't seen each other in about 6 months! That's definitely a record for us. I decided to compensate by taking lots of pictures of her ;-)

Landon and his Grandmother
Haha hey there Mark.
Happy 80th, Granddaddy!
Tory and Mark being presh per the usual.

Haha :-) This is Casey

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random Photos From the Life of Joy

It occurs to me that I'm a hopelessly inconsistent blogger... well, it is what it is :-) Here is some random picturage from my life as of the last couple of weeks..

I seem to be at a total loss as to what the name of this homecoming event was, but the long and short of it is: a bunch of sorority ladies cheering. Haha

Lady Vols vs Chattanooga Game

This picture isn't particularly relevant to much of anything, but a student apparently swerved to avoid hitting pedestrians, and drove UP the metal wiring supporting a light pole (much to the amusement of everyone walking by). It took the police a few hours to get the truck down, but ultimately no one was hurt, not even the truck.

The Light the Night event, intended to raise awareness about sexual abuse, included a march through campus and a candle light vigil.

Tennessee vs Indianapolis Basketball Game